Cinema, radio and television are inventions directly linked to modernism because they represent this social opening and approach of the media, information and art to society in general. The seventh art had the opportunity to be shown to the public thanks to the modernist movement. We also consider is appropriate to present the exhibition "Modernism: the birth of cinema" coinciding with the celebration of the Modernist Fair (May 10, 11 and 12) that Terrassa has celebrated for 17 years and taking into account that since 2018 it has the Creative City of Cinema distinction by UNESCO, the only one that has this recognition in Spain.
Josep M. Queraltó: guardian of the cinematic arts
Born in Vallbona de les Monges (Lleida), and founder –of Kelonik, a leading company in the manufacture of film equipment-, Josep M. Queraltó is the owner of one of the most important private cinema and audiovisual collection in Europe, that exceeds 20,000 pieces, from chines shadows until the cinematographe of Lumière brothers covering all the analog age. A dream that Josep M. Queraltó wants to come true: transform his collection in a historical, educational and interactive museum for all audiences.