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2020 UNIC Annual Report now available!

We’re pleased to announce the official publication of our 2020 Annual Report!

Published a little later than usual, we hope you find what’s included to be as interesting and useful as always.

The report details key cinema trends across the 38 territories UNIC represents, alongside the usual update on cinema-going last year and policy developments at EU level, as well as some information on UNIC and the work we do here in Brussels.

Given current circumstances, we’ve also included an in-depth look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cinemas.

Cinemas are currently facing the most challenging period in their history and they therefore need support more than ever.

The report touches upon the concrete measures that could help the industry emerge from the crisis, get back on track and again achieve the phenomenal results experienced in 2019 - 1.36 billion admissions and €8.8 billion at the box office. It also includes information on key policy issues and principles that cinemas rely on and which continue to be crucial for their recovery.

On that note, we would also like to encourage you to have a look at our weekly updated public research on the impact of COVID-19 on cinemas, as well as the fantastic audience initiatives launched by our operators and the support measures that should be implemented to support European cinemas.

For more on this last point, don't forget to take a look at our manifesto detailing national, EU and industry level measures that would prove invaluable to cinema operators of all sizes and locations.

Full report available here!

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