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UNIC at the 44th meeting of the European Audiovisual Observatory Advisory Committee

UNIC was delighted to join and chair the 44th meeting of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) Advisory Committee, which took place on 13 March 2025 in Strasbourg, France.

The meeting was chaired by UNIC CEO Laura Houlgatte and gathered 40 participants representing the film and audiovisual industry as well as the European Commission (full list here)

A workshop was organised on the Audiovisual Media and Services Directive with the Observatory delivering set the scene presentations and attendees invited to share their views and feedback.  The Directive is up for review in 2026.

Updates were then provided on the 2025 activity plans, with presentations both from the Market department and the Legal department. The 2026 Plan was also discussed. 

The next conference will take place in Cannes  – more information to follow soon.

As this was the last Advisory Committee  meeting for EAO Director Susanne Nikoltchev, all members thanked her for her tenure and her work. She acknowledged the key role of the Advisory Committee and thanked everyone for their support. 

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