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UNIC welcomes the European Parliament vote on the Copyright Directive

Following the plenary vote in the European Parliament on the Directive for Copyright in the Digital Single Market on 12 September, UNIC would like to welcome the outcome and thank the Parliament for supporting Europe's cultural and creative sectors.

We believe that the Directive will go a long way towards establishing a proper level playing-field and ensuring the continued success and prosperity of Europe's cultural and creative sectors to the benefit of its audiences and citizens alike.  

As we now head into Trilogues, UNIC will continue to closely monitor negotiations to ensure that an agreement on a strong text is reached. 

Know your priorities and don't be afraid to say “no” when work gets in the way of a healthy work/life balance.

For this month's interview, we're delighted to have Alina Sigaro, VP EMEA Distribution at Universal Pictures...

Meet The Pairs - Medley 2024

Find out what previous mentees and mentors had to say about the programme in 2023-2024!

UNIC Women’s Cinema Leadership Programme: Get-together at CineEurope and launch of the 8th edition

On 19 June, mentors and mentees of the UNIC Women’s Cinema Leadership Programme met at CineEurope for a...