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Interview with Inés Trementino, Cinépolis

For this month’s interview, we are delighted to be joined by Inés Trementino, Country Manager, Cinépolis Argentina. Inés was a mentor in the 5th edition of the UNIC Women's Cinema Leadership programme and is here sharing her experience.

Tell us about your daily habits that keep you inspired and motivated.

Each day begins with a nice cup of coffee and a review of the previous day's business performance. I am inspired by the passion, enthusiasm and strength of our teams who share a common vision. They regularly monitor different blueprints that we have in place to discuss with colleagues about how it is working and what we need to adjust. Verbalizing what we want to achieve and what we are going to do to get there is key to keeping focus and inspiration.

What is great leadership in your opinion?

I understand that the traditional concept of leadership has evolved, and today it is not only about guiding and being open and clear, but also about knowing and promoting the individualities of those who make up our teams. Promote interdisciplinary work as much as possible, and enrich ourselves with new views on known topics. Get to know our people and promote their development and well-being. 

Looking back at your career journey, what are you the most proud of? 

What probably made me most proud of are those achievements that seemed unattainable when we raised them, but then took shape mainly through hard work, focus, joy in the process and perseverance. Accepting challenges that were not in my comfort zone allowed me to grow and capitalize on that learning for sure.

What were the most important leadership lessons that you learned while climbing the career ladder?

The most valuable lessons I think I have learned were those that became the result of “doing”. I learned to listen genuinely, with openness, with the ability to review. I learned to ask and, in that conversation, enrich ourselves. I learned to believe in myself and in the team.

With such a demanding career, how do you keep the balance between work and your personal life? 

It is a balance that I try to maintain on a conscious level. Achieving it allows me to enjoy both. It's not always easy, but as it is so important, I keep it always present. I try to have a travel project, which is something I love, and I envision our next adventure. Undoubtedly, closing the day with the family, talking with friends, and sharing games with the children are things that I value and enjoy very much. I have become a great storyteller for my granddaughters! 

You were a mentor in the previous edition of the program. Why do you think mentoring is important? Did you have mentors along the way? 

It was a wonderful experience! I had the great opportunity to join the program and accompany a colleague in her development. It was so enriching and inspiring to talk with her and I learned so much in the process. That space, safe and reliable, in which each one of us identifies, empathizes, and promotes reflection often followed by action, I feel that mentoring works like a network that contains and pushes. I'm grateful to have met talented women who share the passion for our industry. 

Throughout these 24 years in the company, I have had the opportunity to work with generous leaders and colleagues who promoted my development. There were no formal programs like the current ones, but these colleagues were undoubtedly key in my journey. 

What advice would you give to current mentors and mentees?

Enjoy the process. Be authentic, trust and share with your mentoring partner and especially enjoy the space for dialogue and the time for reflection after these meetings, for me they turned out to be super inspiring. 

Know your priorities and don't be afraid to say “no” when work gets in the way of a healthy work/life balance.

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